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Butch Boyd Law Firm handles a wide variety of legal matters
for individuals and businesses, both large and small.


Butch Boyd Law Firm is a full-service firm based out of Houston, Texas, with practice areas that include
commercial litigation, energy litigation and transactions, bankruptcy litigation, intellectual property, securities
litigation, personal injury, products liability, and drug and medical device litigation services.  
We provide our clients with vast legal experience combined with practical, creative and innovative solutions. 
We develop an effective and efficient strategy for our clients' matters in line with their ultimate goals.

Contact us to schedule a consultation with one of our experienced attorneys and find out
how we can best serve you.

Practice Areas

At Butch Boyd Law Firm, we believe our level of experience, knowledge, and longevity sets us apart from other firms
and provides great leverage in helping our clients reach their goals.

Commercial Lit Sm.jpg
Intellectal Property Law
Oil and Gas law
Personal Injury Law
bankruptcy litigaton
Drug & Medical Litigation

Butch Boyd Law Firm
2905 Sackett Street
Houston, Texas 77098


©2018 Butch Boyd Law Firm. All rights reserved.

Butch Boyd Houston Law Firm

P: 713.589.8477
F: 713.589.8563
TF: 800.980.BOYD


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